The Development & Ability Organization (DAO) founded as a national (NGO) in early 2004 with an active board of directors entirely comprised from the profession in the field of disability. DAO properly advocate for the rights of persons with disabilities, provide physical rehabilitation services and vocational training to landmine survivors and other persons with disabilities. DAO also seeks to build their capacities in terms of disability awareness and international treaties such MBT, UDHR, National Disability Law on the privileges of persons with disabilities and finally UNCRPD. DAO has the technical capacity, experience and commitment to implement vocational training, capacity building and income generation projects for landmine survivors and other persons with disabilities in Afghanistan. DAO properly registered with the Ministry of Economy bearing registration number 746.
DAO has provided physical rehabilitation services (Prosthetic, Orthotic and Physiotherapy) to persons with disabilities in Kunar, Nuristan, Zabul, Daikondy and Uruzgan since early 2011. Please note that PM WRA and UNOPS through MACCA also funded the Kunar and Nuristan Physical Rehabilitation Centre for three times in 2012, 2013 and 2014.
In the past DAO has implemented vocational training, Disability Awareness, Mass Media (Radio and TV programs) production and distribution of Gadoon magazine in three languages (Pashto, Dari and English), DAO has provided physical rehabilitation services to landmine survivors and other persons with disabilities in 22 provinces of Afghanistan. We have implemented these as cited above with the financial assistance from the following donors: UNICEF, Abilis Foundation, UNDP/NPAD, Adopt A Mine Field, Canadian Embassy, Clear Path International, Counterpart International, UNMAS / MACCA, Norwegian Embassy, British Embassy, WHO, PM WRA, USIP and US Embassy in Kabul
DAO has implemented its projects in coordination with the relevant government ministries, Disability Stakeholders, Provincial Directorate of Martyrs and Disability Affairs, Provincial Directorate of Health, Persons with Disability Organizations (PDOs) in the respective provinces and the Community Development Councils in 22 provinces where we have implemented our projects. Currently DAO has 76 paid staff and 2 volunteers and we have membership with ACBAR and ANCB. DAO is also an active member of the Afghan Campaign to Ban Landmines (ACBL) and the International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL). We have outstanding experience in the implementation of similar projects in Afghanistan.
Special consideration is given to gender in our overall projects to make sure those men, women, boys and girls can equally participate in our activities and can equally benefit. DAO has a gender policy and that's widely implemented in our projects. We do not have any specific environmental policy, but see below for our general advice to our employees and direct beneficiaries. DAO is governed by its board of directors comprised from committed persons with disabilities and other professionals in the field of disability.